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How to segment an orange

7 May 2015

How to segment an orange

Segmenting oranges removes the bitter pith and chewy membrane, leaving you with soft, sweet orange segments. Mastering this technique requires a bit of practice, but is a great way to up your game in terms of presentation.

Slice a little of the top and bottom of the orange to give two flat edges and give a stable cutting surface
Using the front of the knife, starting at the top slice downwards following the curve of the fruit
Cut away all the skin and pith, ensuring not to remove any flesh
Use the knife to gently slice between one of the segments and the connective membrane
Cut until you reach the middle of the fruit, ensuring you do not pierce the membrance
Repeat on the other side of the segment and lift out from the centre until completely released
Repeat to remove all the segments, squeezing the excess juice out


Have a go at Paul Heathcote’s Crepes Suzette, which uses this technique.

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