
How to make tuiles

Tuiles are traditionally a French wafer biscuit served with a dessert but the word tuile is now used to describe any crispy part of a dish, be it sweet or savoury. Often now made with isomalt (a type of sugar) to ensure a good snap, the first tuiles were a thin biscuit made of flour, eggs and sugar, sometimes with the addition of almond meal. The mix would be spread thinly onto a baking mat, baked until golden brown and folded over a rolling pin whilst still warm to form the traditional curved shape.


Preheat the oven to 160°C/gas mark 3
Whisk together the flour, sugar and egg white
Drop a spoonful of the mixture onto a baking tray lined with a silicone non-stick mat and flatten out with the back of a spoon to a thickness of about 2mm
Bake for 8–10 minutes until golden brown
Working quickly, remove the tuiles one by one using a metal spatula and lay over a rolling pin and leave to cool
Once cooked, store in an airtight container and use within a few days


To enrich the tuile try adding 50g of melted butter to the mixture. You can also add nuts such as flaked almonds and pistachios or even a little cocoa powder.


Adam Simmonds makes a Cranberry tuile and pipes in a stilton foam for an unusual canapé, while Kevin Mangeolles garnishes his Compressed tomato with crab and horseradish granita with a crab tuile. Laurie Gear makes a Macadamia nut tuile to serve with his chilled rice pudding.

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